What Can We Learn from Machines?

Brooding Brook
4 min readDec 7, 2021

Can you imagine yourself in 10 years if, instead of avoiding the things you know you should do, you actually did them every single day? That’s powerful.

Mondays of Meaning by Jordan Peterson


While machines, algorithms and technology get their share of hate and distrust from us, humans, there is no denying the good they serve. A long time ago I had the idea to write a short story about how we can learn a thing or more from machines on how to improve our lives. It must be still there somewhere in the depths of my story ideas dump. A TED video I watched yesterday took me back to those thoughts.


Scheduler decides what task the operating system has to pick next, how much time to give for each task and it has been evolving over the years. Very much like our human brain, the operating system doesn’t work at its best when it keeps switching between tasks. What works better is batching, in which it groups several related tasks and performs them at once. Reducing interruptions and context switching has also helped in improving the performance and efficiency of the machines we use daily. So, what do you think we can learn from the scheduler and the way the operating systems perform time and task management?

And remember this as well. More time prioritizing the tasks leaves less time to perform those same tasks. But that doesn’t mean one shouldn’t plan and prioritize the tasks ahead. Just avoid overthinking and act instead — is the lesson for us!


You can have excuses or results. Not both — The Bishop

Who did I quote? Who is The Bishop? You would know who if only you watched the movie, Red Notice, which I did yesterday. A few days ago I watched, The Guilty and wrote about it in this blog. This movie was a different experience. It was fun, entertaining and interesting.


They are always watching and listening(the bad guys). Kind of like Alexa but with guns! — Nolan Booth

Thanks for the laughs and giggles dear cast and crew. And I forgot to say, I love Ryan Reynold’s acting!! By any chance, did he narrate any audiobooks? Let me check.

No, he didn’t. I didn’t find any. If he does then I’m definitely giving audiobooks a try which I never did so far.


Just before I fell asleep last night, I had this quick thought about how we are encouraged to know more about the current affairs in our state, country and then the world. If you are someone who lacks interest in it, it is not only a competitive disadvantage but you are also considered dull and regular. It is no doubt informative to know about what’s going on everywhere and be aware and knowledgeable. But it’s also ok if you are someone who limits their attention, time and memory to only those things you really care about.


As I was thinking all this, it took me to another story and scene(nothing as serious as the other thought)that happens in a tavern. It is set sometime in the 16th century, so it’s from a different world. It has a heartbroken young man, a funny and curious bartender, and a tavern filled with drunk men. You might get to read it once I sit down to scribble it!


A story doesn’t work when it’s your story. It works when it becomes their(readers/audience) story.

I paused for a moment when I read this and it involuntarily questioned me, “What about your stories?”.

I have been doing daily blogs for close to a week now and I don’t really think my stories resonate with the readers as theirs. But should they? It’s definitely good if it happens but that’s not an expectation or a metric at the moment for me and for what I do.

Originally published at https://broodingbrook.com on Dec 7th, 2021.

Thanks to Pexels for the photos!

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