Time is Fleeting. I Repeat, Time is Fleeting!

Brooding Brook
3 min readFeb 12, 2022

Impossible dreams

The dreams we have are impossible because we want them to come true ..today, this week or in a month. That’s the most we can afford to wait. Anything which needs more patience is taken as impossible and tough.

On the other hand, anything we can finish right away is considered insignificant and is taken for granted. Which leaves us most of the time with either doing nothing or spending away our time and energies on silly little things.

Between the great things we cannot do and the small things we will not do, the danger is that we shall do nothing — Alfred Monod

who is someone I know nothing about. But his words resonated with me.

All a LIE!

When you find something that you are interested in, something that makes you feel like being in flow, it also makes you restless when you can’t give it the time it needs. But saying that we don’t have time for something we like is one of the biggest lies.

Oh wait, since I do not know you and don’t want to offend you, I better say that it is a frequent lie I tell myself. It is just an excuse for a lack of better control over what or who gets my time.

Losing time

Whether you are in the same boat or not, this story is a reminder for myself to find my way through everything else and make time for what I really like to do. Because with every passing moment, I have lesser and lesser time left and unless you have any superpower to add more time to your life, I suppose the same goes for you as well.

How do we stop giving time to things that don’t deserve it? Well, there are many self-help books that share tips and techniques. But nothing beats self-discovery and a purpose that sparks joy.

Big dreams are ..

We are afraid to dream big. Because it takes too much effort and risks. We keep ourselves occupied with issues like an angry family member, nosy neighbor and a few other creatively imagined future troubles.

A bigger dream can make these appear silly and even funny. Nobody told us to be humble and grounded when it comes to dreaming anyway! So what’s stopping us?

Keep going

We should stop finding reasons to not do what we love. We should stop worrying about obstacles that only exist in our minds. And the best way forward is to keep going. We will either move in the way we choose to or discover the path we need to take.

And remember the danger is in doing nothing!

I also created a vlog for this story! Watch it here and let me know what you think :D

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Thank you for reading!

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Email — hello@broodingbrook.com

