Gibberish Words Straight from the Bin!

Brooding Brook
4 min readDec 4, 2021

The Reading List

If you love reading and you love reading books which have characters that love reading, then you will definitely love this book. After reading a brief summary, it disrupted my ongoing reading schedule as I jumped into reading this book instead of the other current read. While I only finished less than half the book, I would still recommend it if you are looking for a light read with likable characters.

What I liked so far about this book is how different characters in it found their way to books and reading for different reasons and under different circumstances. Reading is more than a hobby and leads to a different experience when it is a necessity of some form.

“the words tumbled from his mouth like a waterfall, trying to wash away Naina’s practicality”

Is there anything I didn’t like so far? Well, there is one thing. I felt the words fell short of evoking the emotions during some scenes in the book. But still, they did just enough for the imagination to pitch in and fill in the gaps they left behind!

Being paid for distracted work

There is an advantage to working in a small team. But let’s not talk about the good stuff. It doesn’t hurt to be a Jack of all trades as long as you avoid being a master of none. But if the work turns you into a Jack who is pulled into all sorts of tasks that demand task switching throughout the day, then each task becomes a distraction. And at the end of the month, it leaves you no choice but to think, “I’m being paid for being so good at surviving distracted work”.

I have a feeling I will make up a story sometime using the above paragraph. Maybe something funny with a boss and an employee?

The Guilty

I don’t know why I watched this movie. Maybe because Joe(the main character)was stuck in his chair the whole movie like I was the whole day. I survived an hour of this movie, after which I skipped to the end and googled, “The guilty movie explained”.

Credits: IMDB

I’m so sorry Joe and the cast and crew of the whole movie. On another day, I would have probably found the movie interesting, the acting brilliant and maybe learnt a few things on how to shoot close-up shots of the subject who looks confused, angry and struggling. But not today… not when my brain is running with only half of its neurons firing!

An Encounter with a marriage consultant

I got a chance to sit with a marriage consultant today. While I thought it would go on like a TV commercial, it actually lasted longer than any Lord of the Rings movie! I wouldn’t have minded it if it was at least a tiny bit interesting but it wasn’t. The only parts where I made some mental highlights were… wait I can give you a sample.

If you are a guy then you better marry someone who is at least 10 years younger than you. Guess why? So that your better half who is younger can serve you better after your skin turns into cute patterns of wrinkles and your bones lose their interest to run or walk. Maybe he meant to say that’s how it was in the old times? I don’t know. Not today. How can we know for sure whether what’s said is someone’s opinion or a mere observation? So let’s not be too hard on him and give it a pass!

An afterthought

There are only two people who I told about Brooding Brook and only they know the face behind these words(you are not missing much, so don’t be curious). But having read what all I scribbled so far, as an afterthought I think it would have been better if it was none! I come up with such gibberish and I find it amazing!!

Originally published at on Dec 4th, 2021.

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