Inspired Art, Never Ending Planning, Forgotten Passions — Musings & Findings #1

Brooding Brook
3 min readFeb 23, 2022

PART OF ART — Being Stuck and Stealing

Musician: “I was stuck there”

Interviewer: “What makes you stuck?”

Musician: “Everywhere I went, led me where I didn’t wanna be — so I was stuck..”

Claps and laughs in the crowd

That deserves another round of applause!

Interviewer: “The best definition of being stuck I have read in a long time”

Claps and laughs in the crowd AGAIN…

That’s an artist describing in an artistic way about how or why someone feels stuck. He also explains how parts of the song are inspired from other music and from words of some other lead singer! You should watch the clip..

I didn’t know who he is and I still don’t know much except that he is Paul Simon, an American musician and songwriter. But I watched this clip a few times for the thoughts he shared!

Planning or Procrastination?

I am not sure you can clearly see the tabs I beautifully highlighted! Here are the titles of those for you:

  1. The Goal Setting Guide by Sahil Bloom
  2. The Surprising Science of Goal Setting (And Why You’re Probably Doing It Wrong)

These two tabs made their way into my browser sometime in the first week of January. And they have been comfortably living there ever since. If you think that’s a lot, then you should know that I am yet to finish my 2021 year planning! The Notion page I created has grown too big, feeding on the countless things I wanted to start, improve and finish.

And then I read this somewhere on Twitter today..

planning is procrastination in disguise

And I felt happy and reassured that I didn’t spend time on planning as I initially planned!

How conveniently do we put different things together when they can be turned into reasons for what we do or into excuses for what we don’t?

Stop killing creativity!

“Idiots recommend learning some other career to fall back on in case the cartooning doesn’t work. Does anybody give that same advice to aspiring bus drivers? Learn something harder to do in case the bus driving thing doesn’t work out. Like rocket science? It is harder to become a CPA than a cartoonist, so why not do the easier thing? Especially if it makes you happy”

Pic Credits: reasonisfun

This is from the book How to Draw Stupid by Kyle Baker and thanks to reasonisfun who shared this on Twitter. I hope the language of these words didn't hurt your sentiments or feelings. Some things need to be said hard and loud so that our mind grasps the urgency and the importance..

That’s all I have in this Musings & Findings episode. But before I leave, I want to say something silly..

Mind & Body

Our mind and body are two of our greatest possessions. How are we treating them? While our body has to be nurtured, protected and supported to grow along with us, the mind is a stranger who we should regularly interact with, understand and turn into a supportive and encouraging friend..

and with that I take my leave, dear whoever you are and stay safe!

You can also watch the video for the same write up here. Let me know what you think!

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